A day after the Canadian authorities warned that binary options trading is essentially illegal in the country, the French regulator, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) published a list of new binary options websites, whose ownership and regulation status is unclear.
Most of the websites are still working, some of them are in French, apparently targeting French customers, and several of them look strikingly similar.
The AMF warns that trading via unregulated brokers poses a significant risk, as the clients’ funds are not protected. The regulator advises the potential traders to check the register of financial agents (https://www.regafi.fr) or the list of authorised intermediaries in the financial investment advisor (FIA) or participating investment adviser (PIA) categories (https://www.orias.fr/search), before investing any money.
According to AMF statistics, in 2014 it received more than 4500 complaints regarding binary options and forex trade, 37 percent of all complaints about securities fraud received by the authority in that year.
Here are the new additions to the French list of unauthorized binary options brokers:
• www.abbeystockbroker.com
• www.angels-investors.com
• www.attractivetrade.com
• www.bestepargne.com
• www.bfm-capitals.com
• www.brokersoptions-markets.com
• www.brooks-partners.com
• www.capital-epargne.com
• www.cfebourse.com
• www.etrade-securities.com
• www.finances-capital.com
• www.insta-trading.com
• www.investmentswiss.com
• www.invest-option.com
• www.markets-central-investment.com
• www.option-capitalmarket.com
• www.rbsbourse.com
• www.solution-invest.com
• www.swiss-banque.com
• www.total-options.com
• www.tradecapital.net