Beware! This is an offshore broker! Your investment may be at risk.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Open trading accounts with at least two brokers.
General information
Axe Crypto Currency (AxeCC) offers trading in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc. It uses its in-house web platform, which is relatively nice. The website of this broker, however, discloses no information on trading conditions, such as spreads, the leverage available, minimum deposit required and so on. This immediately raises some concerns over the credibility of this broker.
AxeCC Regulation & Safety of funds
AxeCC which operates from the website is owned by Solid Capital Limited, a company registered offshore, on the Marshall Islands. Forex and CFD brokers registered offshore are not properly regulated, nor overseen by any financial authority. However, it seems that the broker targets mainly European investors, and offering financial instruments such as CFDs in European countries require a license, issued by a financial regulator of any of the EEA members.
Moreover, we found that there is a regulatory warning against AxeCC, issued by the Italian financial watchdog, CONSOB. This means that the Italian regulator has probably received complaints from local investors.
AxeCC deposit/withdrawal methods and fees
This broker accepts deposits and withdrawals by credit cards, Naspay, Praxis Pay and B2CRYPTO.
How scam works
There are many different fraud schemes in the forex and cryptocurrency sphere. Most scammers get some contact information for their victims via websites such as FinTech ltd. The creator of Fintech Ltd trading software Daniel Roberts claims to offer some top-notch trading software that turns its users into millionaires in days. Once you sign up, you are contacted by a Sales representative of a broker, and in case you deposit, both Fintech Ltd and the sales person get a commission. After that you are being transferred to the so called “Retention” team where senior scammers persuade you to deposit more, and if you do so, they get a commission amounting to around 10% of your investment. Then you get to the third circle of a trader’s Hell – Recovery. The main purpose of the members of Recovery teams is to string you along for as long as possible, preferable for 6 months. After those six months expire, you will not be able to recover your money sent by credit card.
In the case of AxeCC, it seems that this broker scams most of its clients via their managed accounts, which require a minimum deposit of $1000. After the account manager trades for a while, he or she pushes the client to deposit more. More specifically, if the account manager represents himself as senior, he threatens to transfer the account to a junior colleague, in case the client does not increase the initial investment. If the client refuses to do so or wishes to close their account, any communication, as well as chances of withdrawal/refund are cut off.
What to do if scammed
If you made a payment to a scam broker via bank wire or card, the first thing to do is contact your bank or credit card issuer and file a chargeback as soon as possible. If you have provided the scammer with some personal banking information, you must immediately cancel the card or change your web banking pass.
Don’t waste your time with third party “recovery agencies”, as some of them are also running investment scams.
Another thing you can do in case you have been scammed by a forex or binary options broker is to report the broker to the authorities and in some popular websites and forums, let the world know that they are fraudsters.
tommaso benevento
Google translation from Italian:
I have been cheated by axecc I paid € 7000 from my Bancoposta account to Unicredit Rep.Ceca, the account was frozen by the Czech police, I started from Bancoposta a request for Recall for fraud, precise that the site has changed from axecc. com a
Original comment:
sono stato truffato da axecc ho versato 7000€ dal mio conto Bancoposta a Unicredit Rep.Ceca, il conto e’ stato congelato dalla Polizia Ceca, ho avviato da Bancoposta un richiesta di Recall per frode, preciso che il sito e’ cambiato da a
And did you get the moneys back? Or what you did? I am alsaw cheated with 8000!!
Nomathemba Dyasi
Morning I’m looking for my account manager Tom
ho investito 1100 euro in e fin ora non ho avuto problemi ma ho letto molti commenti negativi a riguardo e sono molto spaventato, a questo vorrei ritare i miei soldi.
Cosa posso fare, come mi devo comportare?
Translated from Italian:
Good evening,
I invested 1100 euros in and so far I have not had problems but I have read many negative comments about it and I am very scared, I would like to take my money back.
What can I do, how should I behave?
Va tutto bene fin quando non gli dici che vuoi prelevare, a questo punto, spariscono, non rispondono più e le mail ti ritornano indietro come indirizzo non trovato.
Se avete a che fare con un certo Anthony Delano, o johnny o Giulio, attenti.
Io ho perso 1500 €, spariti tutti
Translated from Italian:
It’s all right until you tell him that you want to withdraw, at this point, disappear, no longer respond and the e-mails return you as an address not found.
If you are dealing with a certain Anthony Delano, or Johnny or Julius, be careful.
I lost € 1500, everyone disappeared
La mia è stata una truffa,gestita.Si quando ho chiesto dei soldi,mi sono stati dati.Quindi non credevo alle recessioni che leggevo.Il mio conto era gestito da Fabio Santini, che si comportava molto correttamente.Ad Ottobre mi ha chiesto se volevo chiudere il conto perché in America le cose non andavano bene.Quando gli ho detto di si,mi ha mandato una lettera che mi diceva che per prelevare dovevo pagare una tassa per la CEE del 14%.ho fatto i salti mortali per recepire i soldi,parliamo di circa 11.000 euro.Dopo aver avuto tutte le assicurazioni che sarebbe andato tutto bene come solito,fatto il versamento,ci siamo sentiti anche telefonicamente,l’ho chiamato io ed ha risposto.Mi sentivo tranquillo,vedendo che non arrivava l’accredito,ho richiamato e mandato mail,buio assoluto,il telefono i primi giorni squillava poi è diventato muto.Non so come fare,gli avevo affidato molti soldi e si era instaurato un rapporto di amicizia,e mi aveva dimostrato correttezza e serietà.Sono distrutto non so come andare avanti avendo una famiglia.Se qualcuno mi può aiutare,ho molti dati e fotografie del Sig.Santini,chi sa se sono utili,per rintracciarlo.Dovrebbe stare o stava operando da Londra nel quartiere Finanziario.Grazie
Translated from Italian:
Mine was a scam, run. When I asked for money, I was given. So I did not believe the reviews I read. My account was managed by Fabio Santini, who behaved very correctly. In October he asked me if I wanted to close the bill because in America things were not going well.When I told him yes, he sent me a letter telling me that to withdraw I had to pay a tax of 14% for the EEC. money, we are talking about 11.000 euro.After having had all the insurances that everything would have been all right as usual, made the payment, we also heard by phone, I called him and he replied.I felt calm, seeing that it did not arrive ‘credit, I recalled and sent mail, total darkness, the phone the first days rang then became mute.I do not know how to do, I had entrusted a lot of money and had established a friendly relationship, and had shown me correctness and seriousness.
I’m destroyed I do not know how to go on having a family. If someone can help me, I have a lot of data and photographs of Mr.Santini, who knows if they are useful, to track him down. He should be or was operating from London in the Financial district.
Anche io ho avuto in questi giorni la stessa esperienza con tale Fabio Santini. Da giorni chiamo e non ricevo risposte e nulla so circa la sorte dei miei investimenti.
Posso avere dati e fotografie?
Domani andrò dalla polizia postale per sporgere denuncia sperando di ottenere qualcosa.
Translated from Italian
Also I have had in these days the same experience with Fabio Santini. I have been calling for days and I do not receive answers and I know nothing about the fate of my investments.
Can I have data and photographs?
Tomorrow I will go to the post office police to file a complaint hoping to get something.
Thank you
Translated from Italian:
can you provide me with info on Mr. fabio santini, that I can not contact him
Original comment
può fornirmi info sul sig. fabio santini, che non riesco a contattarlo
Translated from Italian:
maybe you could try to get contacted by registering other accounts
Original comment
forse potrebbe provare a farsi ricontattare registrando altri account
Translated from Italian
Domenico, I also gave Fabio Santini a lot of money. I’d like to hear if you’ve managed to somehow resolve and if possible offer a common action with all the scammed people
Original comment
Domenico, anch’io ho dato molti soldi a Fabio Santini. mi piacerebbe sentire se sei riuscito a risolvere in qualche modo e proporti se possibile un’azione comune con tutte le persone truffate
Translated from Italian
You let me have these photos of F. Santini please, I have friends in London I would like to try to find him, we were scammed in 5 for a total of about 40 thousand euros, I would be grateful, thanks.
Original commment
Mi fai avere queste foto di F. Santini per favore, ho amici a Londra vorrei c ercare di rintracciarlo, siamo stati truffati in 5 per un totale di circa 40 mila euro, ti sarei grato ,grazie.
Ho investito 500 euro in febbraio 2018 fino a metà giugno mi seguiva Fabio Santini da allora Anthony Delano ci siamo sentiti una sola volta e poi sono scomparsi tutti non si riesce più a contattarli ma sopratutto non rivedrò più i miei euri anche se sono raddoppiati.
Mi basterebbe recuperare il capitale iniziale.
Una bella banda di ladri e delinquenti
Translated from Italian
I invested 500 euros in February 2018 until mid June followed Fabio Santini since Anthony Delano we felt only once and then they disappeared all can no longer contact them but most of all I will not see my euros again even if they doubled.
It would be enough to recover the initial capital.
A beautiful band of thieves and delinquents
fino a prova contraria nei miei confronti e stata una TRUFFA, solito sistema, a febbraio 2018 investito 250 €, nel giro di poco tempo sono arrivati a oltre 600, ad ottobre chiedo un rimborso e spariscono tutti.
quando chiedi un ritiro ti dicono ti dicono che puoi farlo se prima sei disposto a investire piu soldi, se sei contrario spariscono, se mai ci sara un rimborso la cifra sara sempre una minima parte di quella investita
Translated from Italian:
until proven otherwise against me was a SCAM, usually system, in February 2018 invested 250 €, in a short time they arrived at over 600, in October I ask for a refund and all disappear.
when you ask for a withdrawal they tell you that you can do it if you are willing to invest more money, if you are against it disappear, if ever there will be a refund the amount will always be a small part of that invested
Translated from Italian
Pay attention to this company, is a scam to me have stolen 2000 euros, their profiles are fake to me followed a certain Fabio Santini certainly not Italian who approached me very and kindly and when I asked to withdraw it disappeared and no longer responded to my emails and calls.
They created big problems stealing my money as a saver … ..
Original comment
Fate attenzione a questa società, è uno Scam a me hanno rubato 2000 euro, i loro profili sono dei fake a me seguiva un certo Fabio Santini sicuramente non italiano che si è approcciato a me molto e gentilmente e quando ho chiesto di prelevare è sparito e non ha piu risposto alle mie mail e chiamate.
Mi hanno creato grossi problemi rubandomi i soldi in quanto risparmiatore…..
Translated from Italian
Someone is by chance paying to unlock their capital blocked in Axecc ..?
Original comment
Qualcuno sta per caso pagando per sbloccare i propri capitali bloccati in Axecc..?
Translated from Italian
who told you to pay to unlock the capitals in axecc?
Original comment
chi ti ha detto di pagare per sbloccare i capitali in axecc?
Luciano Antonio Fogagnolo
Translated from Italian
Hi Michele, if you ask to get your money back, they ask you to pay 25% of the entire amount. Be careful, you will never see the money in the account again, let alone the 25% paid in addition. You’re dealing with delinquents. If you want the names are Anthony Delano and Luca Colombo. I wrote a more complete comment on the story. Hello
Original comment
Ciao Michele, se chiedi di riavere i tuoi soldi, ti chiedono di versare il 25% dell’intera somma. Stai attento, non vedrai mai più ne i soldi del conto e tantomeno il 25% versato in aggiunta. Hai a che fare con dei delinquenti. Se vuoi i nomi sono Anthony Delano e Luca Colombo. Ho scritto un commento più completo sulla vicenda. Ciao
Luciano Antonio Fogagnolo
Translated from Italian
Hi everyone. I too have been scammed by these thieves. I started with Anthony Delano since November 2017 and continued until December 2018. In one year I made payments for over € 7,000 and I must say that I received several transfers of € 500/600 for a total of almost € 4,000. In December of 2018 I made a payment of € 3,000 to buy Bit Coins that in the meantime had fallen in price and since then I have not heard them until January 2019 when a certain Luca Colombo called me to tell me that the Delano he was hospitalized for drug abuse (think how delinquents you are) and that my position would have handled him. Meanwhile, my account had risen to € 30,000 (don’t believe it, they are fake platforms, money doesn’t exist) and asks me for € 20,000 to start working. I ask for my money back and to get it back (because of Brexit) he asks me to pay 25% tax to an imaginary Tax Consultant for a total of € 11,000. It is not enough for him to have stolen your entire account, they want to steal 25% more. Offenders. Clearly not one cent to them, after a few days I saw myself change the password of my position, thus denying me the possibility of entering my account. Now the Columbus has “flown away” and no longer feel it. I turned to a lawyer who is filing a fraud complaint with the Italian authorities. The lawyer has already done other operations of the kind for other scammed and tells me that to have some possibility to recover the money we should be in more than one therefore for who has been scammed like me from Axecc, if you want to join to my complaint is welcome. You can write me on this column. Hi and … please, stay away from these thieves.
Original comment
Ciao a tutti. Anch’io sono stato truffato da questi ladri di Ho iniziato con Anthony Delano dal novembre del 2017 ed ho continuato fino al dicembre 2018. In un anno ho fatto versamenti per oltre 7.000 € e devo dire che mi sono arrivati diversi bonifici da 500/600 euro per un totale di quasi 4.000 €. A dicembre del 2018 ho fatto un versamento di 3.000 € per acquistare dei Bit Coin che nel frattempo erano scesi di prezzo e da quel momento non li ho più sentiti fino a gennaio del 2019 quando mi ha chiamato un certo Luca Colombo per dirmi che il Delano era ricoverato in ospedale per abuso di stupefacenti (pensate voi quanto sono delinquenti)e che la mia posizione l’avrebbe gestita lui. Intanto il mio conto era salito a 30.000 € (non credeteci, sono piattaforme fasulle, i soldi non esistono) e mi chiede 20.000 € per iniziare a lavorare. Chiedo indietro i miei soldi e per riaverli (causa la Brexit) mi chiede di versare il 25% di tasse ad un fantomatico Consulente Fiscale per un totale 11.000 €. Non gli basta aver rubato tutto il tuo conto, ti vogliono rubare un 25% in più. Delinquenti. Chiaramente non gli verso un centesimo, dopo qualche giorno mi sono visto cambiare la password della mia posizione negandomi così la possibilità di entrare nel mio conto. Ora il Colombo se ne è “volato via” e non lo sento più. Mi sono rivolto ad un legale il quale sta depositando alle autorità competenti italiane, una denuncia per truffa. L’Avvocato ha già fatto altre operazioni del genere per altri truffati e mi dice che per avere qualche possibilità di recuperare i soldi dovremmo essere in più di uno quindi per chi è stato truffato come me da Axecc, se si vuole unire alla mia denuncia è ben accetto. Potete scrivermi su questa rubrica. Ciao e … mi raccomando, state lontano da questi ladri.
non accuso nessuno , ma voglio altri pareri, mi unisco a voi, sospetto anch’io un raggiro
nulla toglie che potrebbero essercene altri,comunque
come intendi procedere di preciso , mi puoi spiegare , magari su un’altro contatto?
Translated from Spanish:
I don’t accuse anyone, but I want other opinions, I join you, I suspect a scam myself
nothing detracts from that there could be others, however
how do you intend to proceed exactly, can you explain me, maybe on another contact?
Zamfir Lavinia
Hi, i was alsaw cheated with 8000? And now i dont know how can i take my moneys back
Translated from Italian
I invested 1000 euros, as I asked to withdraw they insulted me and blocked me
Original comment
ho investito 1000 euro, come ho chiesto di prelevare mi hanno insultato e bloccato
Con la presente segnalo Broker Axecc,
il sito è stato modificato per renderlo più credibile, ma non risulta autorizzato nè pagante.
I hereby point out Axecc Broker,
the site has been modified to make it more credible, but it is neither authorized nor paying.
Un certo Steve, Walter Bernasconi, Axe invest – sono dei truffatori, ma la cosa che mi fa incazzare di piu’ e ch la polizia postale e l’interpol e le autorita’ non fanno niente per mettere fine a questo scempio.
A certain Steve, Walter Bernasconi, Ax invest – are scammers, but the thing that pisses me off most is that the postal police and interpol and the authorities do nothing to put an end to this mess.