Beware! This is an offshore broker! Your investment may be at risk.


Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Open trading accounts with at least two brokers.


Wise Banc is an unregulated broker that offers trading in forex and various CFDs. Although it provides a bunch of account types (including swap-free one), its trading offer is not made perfectly clear. Besides, the spreads are very high, fixed at 7 pips on EUR/USD, and the broker uses some unknown web-based platform that is too simple and lacking any analytical tools. Most traders prefer using the MT4 or the MT5 platforms, both of which offer advanced trading features.

Wise Banc Regulation & Safety of Funds

According to the information on its website, this broker is owned and operated by Orion Service EOOD. The company is allegedly based in Bulgaria and has branches in Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Africa.

As Bulgaria is a part of the EU, regulation there is pretty solid, and all financial services operators must be licensed by the local Financial Supervision Commission (FSC). Orion Service EOOD, however, is not among the firms under FSC’s regulatory oversight. Actually, Wise Banc is one of the many shady unregulated brokers in the forex sector, large percentage of which are pure scammers.

If you are searching for a reliable European broker, we would recommend companies licensed in Cyprus or UK.

Wise Banc Deposit/Withdrawal Methods and Fees

According to Wise Banc’s website, the minimum deposit for the most basic account comes at $250 which is pretty much the industry average. The payment methods supported by the broker are Wire transfer, credit cards, and e-wallets (such as Skrill, CashU, Neteller, Yandex).

In order to become a client of Wise Banc, you must provide a scanned copy of you ID, prof of address and proof of payment – a scanned copy of your credit card, front and back. The broker says that it requires these documents as a part of Anti-Money Laundering laws and regulations. Considering that Wise Banc is not licensed, we would strongly advice you against providing this broker with any of the aforementioned documents. Many of these “brokers” are involved in all kinds of scams, including, but not limited to phishing scams, identity fraud, credit card scams, etc.

How Does Scam Work?

Forex scams draw investors in with all kinds of tricks – advertisements on internet websites, TV or radio. Most often, they lure investors into scams with promises of high returns with low risk.

We went through a number of user feedback on Wise Banc, all of which is extremely negative. An investor complained on a popular website that he was tricked into registering a Wise Banc account by an ad off Coindesk. The add promoted an automatic trading solution for Crypto currencies. After depositing $250, however, the investor was provided with an average trading app that doesn’t have any automatic trading features, nor even the option to trade Bitcoin.

Then, he was bombarded with emails requesting color copy of his Visa credit card, including the PIN code plus signature, ID document, etc. Such documents would obviously give the so called “broker” the opportunity to keep using the investor’s credit card. Fortunately, the man guessed their intention and never sent those copies, but other clients of Wise Banc have not been so cautious and fortunate.

Another client of this broker shared with the public that he was denied withdrawal and his account manager said that the reason for this is because he was given a bonus (which the client says he never asked for). Most other comments simply say that Wise Banc is a scam and warn investors to stay away from it. Some users suggest that the people behind Wise Banc are the same scammers that operated the OptionsXO binary options brand, which has also defrauded a number of investors.

What to do if scammed?

Most of us have to tendency to think that that sort of thing happens only to other people. However, forex fraud schemes are sometimes so sophisticated that even experienced traders fall victims to them. So, you’d better be well-informed and prepared, so that you act in a timely and adequate manner if this happens to you.

The first thing you should do if scammed is call your bank or credit card provider to report the scam and file a chargeback. Note that you can do that only within six months of the initial deposit.

In case you have provided the scammer with your credit card details, immediately cancel your credit card.

Also, beware of potential calls from self-proclaimed “recovery agencies”! They are on a hunt for scammed investors, offering help, but You will end up just losing more money with an upfront payment without receiving any service.


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  1. As if 11 OCT 2018, Wise Banc was a participant in the scam involving a fake CNN webpage announcing that Elon Musk was leaving Tesla to concentrate on a wealth redistribution scheme via a phony bitcoin tech startup

    worst customer service I’ve ever experienced. Rating them a 1 would even be too good for them. They take your money and never give it back. The account managers are so rude. They swear, lie and say things they shouldn’t even say. I AM SHOCKED!!!!!!!!

  3. How do I access the funds ($3250) that Wise Banc has stolen? Within 4 hours of agreeing to investing $250 I phoned and requested to cancel any transactions with this organization. That was on the 4th October 2018. I have had loads of telephone communication with one Oscar White. I have communicated with the “support desk”. I have kept copies of all communication. Who do I get to assist me in this matter?
    Many Thanks
    Dennis Feinberg

    1. I received a message that I would be refunded on the 9th November. True to his word, Oscar White refunded my money to my account. I am sorry that I had my doubts about this whole transaction.

      1. Dennis Good day. I was very much interested in doing trading with Wisebanc but after reading your message, I am now at the cross roads. Please confirm if this trading guys are legitimate guys.

        Thank you in advance

        1. It’s all careful!

    2. Forget it, I have lost a huge amount of money and I spend a long time investigating them only to realise that it is one big SCAM. I you want to discuss, you are welcome.

      Johan Barnard

      1. I lost a huge sum of money also. When I wanted to withdraw, Oscar White would give all kind of excuse, eg, no volume! What bullshit!

      2. I am a no nonsense stock market and futures trader of old. After my retirement, I decided to give this a try and ended up with Wisebanc. Same old story as most above.
        Because I had little experience in the forex market, I needed advice and found the account managers too flippent and pushy. I gave it a good try and took little crap from these account managers, so I ended up going through twelve of them:
        1. Whose name I didn’t get down.
        2. George Elias.
        3. Chris Sutton.
        4. Michael Baxter (said he was the trading floor manager).
        5. Oliver Mendosa.
        6. Markus Daniels.
        7. Daniel Fischer.
        8. Ben Statton
        9. Oscar Dent.
        10. Another whose name I never got down.
        11. Monica Rucenstein.
        12 Alex Concinsky.
        Short story is Michael Baxter convinced me to put in way more than I had ever intended and then, opened up a position that went against me and then left me with Oliver Mendosa, who opened me up another position that went against me and then stopped calling.
        A week later Markus Daniels, who couldn’t say what happened to Oliver Mendosa, nor could he advise what to do about the losing positions. Eventually I closed them out to save half my money and stand a chance of making it back.
        No such luck. Between the rest of them, they all gave bum advice and eventually it all dwindled away. Did any of you go through so many Managers each not knowing anything about the others?

    Do not invest a cent, you never get the money back.
    Read and cheat to the utmost.
    Promises and lies on the phone.
    Just to win your money for investment.
    The WEB software is based on pure fraud, unfortunately I am also a victim.
    People have to be behind bars.

    1. Agree 100%, stay away or contact me. I will tell you exactly as I was caught in this scam.

  5. Grazie per queste informazioni….starò alla larga da Wise banc

    Translated from Italian:

    Grazie per queste informazioni….starò alla larga da Wise banc

  6. Translated from Polish:
    Hello, how to delete your account at Wise Banc and finish further cooperation with them. After reading all these comments, just on the second day after registration and paying them EUR 250, I wanted to withdraw and delete my account. In response from my assistant, I received a phone call that in order to delete an account, I must first collect over 250 euros to make a withdrawal. Initially I lost 50 EUR, then I started to gain. I did not have 12 euros in my account to make a payment according to the instructions. Then my assistant manager blocked my access to positions that gave me profits and told me to open a position that only loses from Friday evening. At this moment, a few hours ago, I lost another 100 euros and he did not call from Friday to take me away and turn off losses at the right moment. He thinks he did it specifically so that I would not collect enough money to pay my account. It’s easy to register but leave them and delete the account is not possible. And I do not know how to do it. I know I will not get my money back. But how to delete an account and account and how to get rid of them once and for all and cease cooperation. I have no idea yet. I am beginning to fear that they will not let me leave so easily even though in conditions they are clearly written that you can opt out at any time. I can not do it at the moment because my assistant manager is constantly coming up with new ravings about which he has not mentioned before.
    Original text in Polish
    Witam, jak usunąć konto w Wise Banc i zakończyć z nimi dalszą współpracę. Po przeczytaniu tych wszystkich komentarzy zaraz na drugi dzień po rejestracji i wpłaceniu im 250 EUR chciałam się wycofać i usunąć konto. W odpowiedzi od swojego asystenta otrzymałam telefon , że żeby usunąć konto muszę najpierw zebrać ponad 250 euro żeby dokonać wypłaty. Początkowo straciłam 50 EUR, później zaczęłam zyskiwać. Zabrakło mi 12 euro na swoim koncie żeby zrobić wg instrukcji wypłatę. Poczym mój asystent manager zablokował mi dostęp do pozycji które dawały mi zyski a kazał otworzyć pozycje która od piątku wieczorem tylko traci. W tym momencie kilka godzin temu straciłam kolejne 100 euro a on od piątku nie dzwonił, żeby mnie odturzrc i wyłączyć straty w odpowiednim momencie. Uważa że zrobił to specjalnie żebym nie zebrała wystarczającej kwoty do wypłaty mojego konta. To prawda łatwo się zarejestrować ale odejść od nich i usunąć konto nie ma możliwości. I nie wiem jak to zrobić. Już wiem że pieniędzy nie odzyskam. Ale jak usunąć konto i rachunek i jak raz na zawsze się od nich uwolnić i zaprzestać współpracy. Nie mam narazie bladego pojęcia. Zaczynam się obawiać że tak łatwo nie pozwolą mi odejść chociaż w warunkach mają jasno napisane że można zrezygnować w dowolnym momencie. Ja na chwile obecną nie mogę tego zrobić bo mój asystent menadżer ciągle wymyśla nowe kruczki o których wcześniej mi nie wspomniał.

  7. These people cannot process a withdrawal.
    I’ve been trying to get my money out since mid-July.
    I’ve given them all my banking information: routing number, acct number… and they cannot manage to produce the withdrawal.
    I kept getting messages saying they are working on it, but it never came until I Read about the “admin @optionsrefund,com” who helped em recover my funds.
    I would not trust wisebanc to ever make my withdrawal go through so I had to seek help elsewhere
    They seem dishonest.
    I am happy I could get back my money from them through

    1. Hi Marlyn, I am in the same situation… I want to close the account, before i did any trading, now they keep telling me they need my ID … but that is exactly the reason i want to quite before i even start. So how did you get it back?

  8. I was coerced in doing trading with them. They seemed to back you up in a corner that the only way was to say yes. I felt very uncomfortable while talking with them because they ate very aggressive in their selling techniques. I have now stopped answering their calls since last year. How do I cancel my account without paying anything further.

    1. I am in the process of cancelling my account. They wanted £5000 and then another £5000 which I’m obviously not paying. I am now getting help from a London based company to retrieve my money through a bank chargeback. my credit card company will not give it direct as it was stocks and shares.

  9. Hi,

    I’m sure that most of you have heard of Wisebanc.

    Let me try something else. OptionsXO? WMOption? PrimeCFDs? Do these ring any bells?
    Of course they do. You should at least know about the OptionsXO scam, that has been out in the public since last year (…/ , ).

    By the way, it is said all over the internet that Birman Law is also a scam, working together with those fraud israeli firms, so don’t start dreaming that they would be any help if you’ve been scammed.

    But let’s talk more about our friend, Wisebanc (aka OptionsXO aka WMOptions aka PrimeCFDs).


    It all started somewhere in 2014-2015 in Israel, Herzliya, to be more precise. The name of the company was Toro Media, having as their owner and CEO Tomer Levi, operated by Omni Capital. Today is owned and operated by TLC Consulting Ltd.Company registration number is: 84689. Address: Trust Company Complex,Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, MH96960, Marshall Island.
    Once more and more israeli scams were discovered, authorities started to do their jobs, banning all binary options scammers from Israel, so they had to find somewhere else to operate from. Where did OptionsXO (at the time) move to? Romania, the land of opportunities when it comes to binary scams.

    Where are they located?

    They have been operating from USA.

    They only have 2 offices left, after their attempt to work under a Cysec regulated platform as well (Wise Trader in 2017, located in Bucharest at first, and later on in Cyprus). Since 2016, they have the main offices in Bucharest, Romania (retention office: Calea Floreasca 169, 2nd floor, ‘Toro Telemarketing’, and conversion office also in Bucharest, under the same name), but they are also located in Kiev, with one office, operation both conversion and retention. Their bank accounts are obviously in the Marshall Islands, Belize, Bulgaria, Romania. USA. The Prime CFD was regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Service Commision but when the Vanuatu Island get a membership in Interpool the Prime cfd escaped from Vanuatu Island and need to find a new place for money laundering.They change name to WiseBanc and find a place in Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, MH96960, Marshall Island. That is their new place for money laundering. Prime cfd/Wisebanc account managers have accounts in
    JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. Thru different shell companies the money will landing here:

    Beneficiary Name: ARROWE SOLUTION LLC
    Bank adress: 1134 AVENUE M, BROOKLYN, NY 11230 – 5206, USA
    Bank adress: NEW YORK 4 NEW YORK PLAZA FLOOR 15, 10004, USA

    How they operate:

    The employees use fake ‘stage’ names as account managers, ”Oscar White, Robb Daniels, Ethan Stark, Mark Spencer, Roger Banks, Liam Brown, Andrew Novak, Jay Smith, Adam Louis, Warren Roberts, Simon Green, James Alexsander, Allen Kais, Daniel Cox, Chris Wallace” and so on…they use american names it sounds more credible…everyone of them has a criminal and fake background story, they hiding their faces never show their faces on social networks you will never see any profile photo of them on Skype, Facebook, Linkedin, WhatsApp or in media( if you are a honest person you don’t need hide your face ) lie about the place they are located in (at first, they used to say the office was in the UK, in Liverpool, later on they started saying they were in Bulgaria, right next to Romania, when, in fact, they were in Romania)probably in USA. All those so called account managers at Prime cfd/WiseBanc are VIP members in JP MORGAN CHASE BANK in USA. Why? Because they have large amounts of money on their accounts 10,20,30,40 million US dollar which they have earn thru scam/fraud people all around the world!Many of them have 30 years experience of scam and fraud.They still continue to operate and nobody can’t stop them!!!???

    There are two main departments in the office:

    Conversion: account managers:

    Their jobs is to call clients who just registered, lurking them into making a deposit; they are not allowed to talk to the employees from the other department about customers (they are working in separate offices as well), as they are not allowed to know much about the business, other than they have to convince clients to deposit and the so-called senior account manager is going to take it over from there;
    retention: senior account managers: this is the real boiler room, where the real scammers do their jobs, calling clients who deposited and tricking them into depositing larger amounts of money, so they can profit faster, opening ‘successful’ trades for them, so it look real; the real magic is how they use Team Viewer so they can see how much money a client has in his bank account, or how they steal money from their account without approval, passing all bank security layers. If a customer dares to say he doesn’t want to put more money into the account, they push and push and eventually, they tell him he’s on his own then, starting trading the initial deposit without customers being aware of it (therefore, the customers lose even the initial deposit).

    You was given access to a username/password and was able to “trade” in only simulated account and deposit/balance account with play money that was provided.
    Those accounts they provided for people looks real on their website but it’s only simulated trading accounts. Similar to a Video Game.The real money you have invest it’s already stolen from you and transferred between different shell companies to
    Marshall Island/JP MORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. and other bank accounts.

    How do they get customers?

    Through scam adds, such as The Bitcoin Code, The Bitcoin Revolution, The Crypto Code or by buying data from other companies.

    Why Wisebanc aka OptionsXO aka WMOptions aka PrimeCFDs?

    The reason they change the platform’s name so often is because:

    1. Too many bad reviews online, so it’s hard to trick people;

    2. Being blacklisted by the banks, so transactions won’t work (unless they are using China
    made terminals);
    3. Good way of erasing customers from their database and stealing their money.

    Once you’re in, you will never get out. Biggest scam company operating on the market, stealing customers money (not only money they invest, but also make transactions without customers approval, never allowing withdraws , very aggressive, using a fake platform (claiming it’s regulated by Cysec), getting warnings and fines from different authorities).

  10. thieves, they just steal people’s money

    1. They are simply criminals
      Per Holmberg

  11. Schweikert Roswitha

    Auch ich bin durch die aggressive Art und den leeren Versprechungen auf Wisebanc herein-
    gefallen. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie ich mein Geld zurück bekomme kann.
    Also, I have fallen in with the aggressive nature and empty promises on Wisebanc. I have no idea how to get my money back.

    NETWORK!!!They have change name from WISE BANC to PCMTRADES/ POSEIDON
    BLACKLISTED by FCA the most authoritative Financial Regulator in the world. PCMTRADES IS
    Laundering of CRIMINAL cash through different countries in EUROPE to USA, UK, ISRAEL,
    The same ISRAELI SCAMMERS operating from all OVER THE INTERNET! THEY HIDING in
    PCMTRADES this ISRAELI/ UK/ AMERICAN SCAMMER is not registered on the finacial
    providers register it is therefore not permitted to provide financial services! WISEBANC is an
    unregulated broker! This is FRAUDLENT online company which presents itself as a broker or a
    reliable company but is in fact a SCAM!!!
    I’m sure that most of you have heard of ROTHSCHILD’s? How about WISEBANC/
    Let me try something else.
    How about OptionsXO? WMOption? PrimeCFDs? WISEBANC? People behind PCMTRADES
    and other trading sites on the internet are the same SCAMMERS!!!
    Do these ring any bells?
    Of course they do!?
    You should at least know about the PRIME CFD/ WISEBANC scam, that has been out in the public
    since last year. The last five years they have change name four times once a year but same unknown
    web – based platform! By the way, it is said all over the internet that Israeli Birman Law or
    MoneyChargeBack companies is also a scammers, working together with those ISRAELI/ UK/
    AMERICAN SCAM FIRMS, they using same methods as those CRIMINALS!!!
    So don’t start dreaming that they would be any help if you’ve been scammed! But let’s talk more
    about our friend.
    PCMTRADES (aka OptionsXO, aka WMOptions, aka PrimeCFDs), aka WISE BANC)and now
    None of them have been regulated to work with financial products!?
    Beginnings: It all started in 2014 – 03 – 28 in ISRAEL, Herzliya, to be more precise. The name of
    the company was TORO MEDIA, having as their owner and CEO TOMER LEVI, operated by
    Omni Capital. Today owned and operated by TLC Consulting Ltd.Company
    Registration number is: 84689. Address: Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island,
    Majuro, MH96960, Marshall Island. Registered: 2016 – 06 – 16. TAX HAVENS! Once more and
    more Israeli ( MAFIA ) scams were discovered, authorities started to do their jobs. Banning all
    binary options scammers from Israel, so they had to find somewhere else to operate from.
    Where did OptionsXO/ WMOptions/ Prime cfd / Wisebanc (at the time) move to? Romania, the
    land of opportunities when it comes to binary scams.
    Where are they located today?
    American Registry for Internet Numbers ,Ltd. Domain Name: Top Level Domain:
    COM Comercial IP adress: United States, California, San Francisco,CA, US.
    CloudFlare Inc same IP adress as Wisebanc. Geolocation: US ( United States ) Cheney, Kansas,
    USA. Wisebanc use CLOUDFLARE Network. Address: 101 Townsend Street City: San Francisco/
    State Prov: CA Country: US They are also registered: Marshall Island. State/ province Ajeltake
    Island. Registered organisation: TLC Consulting Ltd. Registered country: MH ( Marshal Island. )
    They only had 2 offices left, after their attempt to work under a Cysec regulated platform as well
    (Wise Trader scammer in 2016, located in Bucharest at first, and later on in Cyprus). Since 2016,
    they use an address in Bucharest, Romania (retention office: Calea Floreasca 169, 2nd floor,
    ‘Toro Telemarketing’, and conversion office also in Bucharest, under the same name), Payment
    agent is Orion Service EOOD, located at 39 Aleko Konstantinov st, Sofia Bulgaria. Company’s
    registration number is: 204201554 but that is only a shell/ offshore company to mislead authorities.
    They change address when FCA banned Orion Service EOOD? Bulgaria is a part of the EU,
    regulation there is pretty solid, and all financial services operators must be licensed by the local
    Financial Supervision Commission ( FSC). WiseBanc is not regulated by Bulgarian financial
    institutions, nor by international ones!
    They claim that the main office is located in Bulgaria. Headquaters Address: Owned and Operated
    by Orion Service FOOD, Popovo street 10, Lozenetz district, Sofia 1421, Bulgaria.
    ( Hidden phone number?)
    Also in Romania 0406450032 ( Bucharest ), UK +442035144452 ( London, Liverpool ). Israel 054-
    8770812. They have also addresses to Oceania (Marshal Island ) Tax Haven. Western Cape,
    Durbanville 031-3045629( South Africa ) Tax Haven.
    Bransch offices in Malaysia +60-330-992-885. Luxenbourg +35-227-872-513.
    Russia +74-992-131-738. Those are MADE UP! Their bank accounts are in the USA, Marshall
    Island and also in Durbanville in Western Cape (South Africa) a shell/ offshore company named
    VERBIZEST. Which has an address in the Western Cape is apparently owned by one
    This is the same CEO for PRIME CFD/ WISEBANC/ PCMTRADES!
    The Prime cfd/ Wise Banc was regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Service Commission. But when
    the Vanuatu Island get a membership in Interpol 21 nov. 2018. The Prime cfd/ Wise Banc escaped
    from Vanuatu Island and need to find a new place for MONEY LAUNDERING. They change name
    from Prime cfd to WiseBanc 2017 – 02 – 17 In case of to be detected… they had already reserved a
    place 2016 – 06 – 16 in Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, MH96960, Marshall Island
    (actually members in the Interpol). The monetary unit is the US dollar.
    Everything is well planned and calculated.They moving and change name almost every year to get
    away from the authorities worldwide. They are all the time one step ahead the authorities, ICC,
    Banks, Europol, Interpol, FBI, CIA, MI6, SVR, MOSSAD!? Cells in Marshall Island in Oceania,
    Western Cape in South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore. Places for money laundering. Wisebanc
    ”account managers” have accounts in JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. and other banks in the
    USA. WHY? Because some of them live there! USA become to be a tax haven itself
    for those ghost companies!
    Can the JP MORGAN CHASEBANK and other banks in USA be indirectly involved in money
    Those so called”SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS”
    TO SINGAPORE and OPERATING from there! Singapore the leading offshore financial center in
    You don’t have to pay tax! They Money Laundering through different shell/ offshore companies in
    UK, Bulgaria, Romania , South Africa, Singapore, Marshall Islands.
    To The United States of America.
    The promised land.

  13. Wow! you have done some research!wish I had before falling for their bullshit.

  14. Hi! I am Grace Achieng from Kenya
    Wisebanc is a scam. After convincing me to trade online I lost over 500,000 k.Shs. They have since closed all their dealings with Kenya.

  15. waoh. It seesm they have changed their name to MatrixCapitaltrade because the logo and advert profile is 100% same and mode of operaion seems same. I was scamed by this matrixcapitaltrade which uses same method highlighted by different people here. People should beware.

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