Beware! Crypto-Unlocked is most probably a scam system! Your investment may be at risk.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Open trading accounts with at least two brokers.
Those who carry the most blame for the high risk of fraud in forex trading are without-a-doubt the so-called crypto robots. Websites like Crypto-unlocked are often made very clumsily with no effort in hiding their ill-minded nature, and usually with very poorly thought out names. There is usually nothing more than a trailer-video on the website, and in this case, the video only tells us of the advantage in trading with exactly this crypto robot and how they only “wish to help you make your money grow”. We also discern that with Crypto-unlocked we have the opportunity to make huge money of off many other cryptos, not only Bitcoin, we need only invest a small amount of $250 or more. The trailer video tells us “Do not cheat yourself out of the opportunity to create a small fortune.” It should go without saying that such over-the-top stuff smell very fishy. However, let us have a closer look and see exactly out of what we are presumably going cheat ourselves.
On the website we see nice-looking pictures of random smiling people which presumably should show us how happy the client base of the crypto robot is with their dealings. However, nobody should buy that because we have zero certainty whether these pictures aren’t taken straight from the internet only for the pose.
No company, no address, no country of origin
Our thorough research did not bring any surprises – as usual with crypto robots – which are pretty much all the same – we did not find any information on the website regarding the registered address, the supposed company behind the operation, nor even the country of origin. This is nothing out of the ordinary when dealing with crypto robots. The effort in finding a fake registered address on part of the scammers isn’t even worth it to them, because they will most likely be forced to create a new website, after the last is exposed by reviewers online. We had such a case with a robot that used different logos to target people from various regions in the world. All this highly inclines us to believe that Crypto-unlocked is only used as a bait for traders who’ll share their personal info hoping for a quick buck.
This is perhaps the most popular scam in the trading world. Precisely such websites, promising unrealistic winnings through crypto trading, mislead traders into registering and carelessly giving away their address, phone number and email. Minutes later, that same personal data is sent to brokers and the registered traders begin getting phone calls from unregulated forex brokers like KDFX or TPGlobal FX urging them to invest.
No verified track record
The absolute lack of assurance for results is perhaps the biggest problem with crypto robots such as Crypto-unlocked. In the forex trading world there are social platforms such as eToro or Zulutrade which allow you to search through the profiles of different traders, taking notice of their track-record in trading, whether losses or winnings are the majority. All this transparency further helps trust to be created between the client and provider. Something which is seriously missing with Crypto-unlocked and traders are left relying only on the word of a crypto robot, and that hardly is enough.
No regulatory supervision
We should also point out that such operations are not overseen by any relevant authority. The people behind Crypto-unlocked are not bound by any government regulator and they can do pretty much as they please.
Last, but not least – mere way in which such operations seek funding should raise red flags. If Crypto-unlocked truly had something of value to offer, they wouldn’t be relying on cheap traffic through a badly-done website, but would have found alternative means of financing itself. A popular option among today’s crypto companies is raising money through crowd-funding and utilizing the power of the social media. However, such options are available only for legitimate companies, and Crypto-unlocked most certainly is not among those.
Having in mind everything that was laid out – we must say that Crypto-unlocked strikes us as a standard scam operation and we advise those interested not to risk it.