Beware! Crypto Signals Software is most probably a scam system! Your investment may be at risk.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Open trading accounts with at least two brokers.
Usually the website of cypto robots are absurd with staggering statements, however, they are also short and mostly to the point. With Crypto Signals Software one gets the impression that he can go through the endless information given on the website without actually gathering so much as a scratch about the actual product that is being offered. We read that it uses the “most advanced technologies” that it follows countless media outlets and is up-to-date with all the latest news on crypto trading. There are also slogans written in big, high-lighted letters about getting rich and taking away huge profits, as well as pictures from the trading world splattered all over the website. There is also a video which is quite long – about ten minutes – which is done in the laziest manner with a blogger going through the trading platform of the brokerage and endlessly repeating all the supposed benefits of Crypto Signals Software. How it will automatically trade cryptos for you and make you money, all you need do is register and invest, the crypto robot will take care of the rest we are told. But, will it really?
No name, no address, no number
Despite our thorough research, we did not find any information on the website regarding the registered address, the supposed company behind the operation, nor even the country of origin. Furthermore, after attempting to read the “terms” of the crypto robot we got redirected to a link where it said that we have “the wrong address.” There is also frightfully little information regarding the crypto robot on the web, as a matter of fact, the only mention of the company is either in scam-exposing reviews or warnings by supposed ex-clients. This strongly inclines us to believe that the crypto robot is part of a popular scam in the forex trading world.
Precisely such websites, promising riches and profits through crypto trading, mislead traders into registering and carelessly giving away their address, phone number and email. Minutes later, that same personal data is sent to brokers and the registered traders begin getting phone calls from unregulated forex brokers like Lockwood or Pepperdyne urging them to invest. The crypto robots receive a commission for every trader that invest with the brokerages.
No verified track record
One of the biggest problems with crypto robots such as Crypto Signals Software is the lack of assurance for results which is tightly intertwined with the lack of credibility. Social trading platforms such as eToro or Zulutrade allow you to search through the profiles of different traders, taking notice of their track-record in trading, whether losses or winnings are the majority. Such transparency adds significant assurance and partially, if not fully, removes risk. Furthermore, it gives you assurance that other people are risking their money with the trader as well. Where as with websites such as Crypto Signals Software you are simply taking a leap of faith.
No regulatory supervision
We should also point out that such operations are not overseen by any relevant authority, although that should go without saying. The people operating Crypto Signals Software are not bound by any government regulator and potential clients have no one to turn to in case they have legitimate grievances.
Last, but not least – the mere way in which such operations seek funding should raise red flags. If Crypto Signals Software did have anything of value, they would have found alternative ways of financing, instead of relying on cheap traffic through a cheesy, badly-done commercial about itself. They can apply for a credit at the bank, or another option utilized by today’s crypto companies is raising money through crowd-funding. However, all these options require something Crypto Signals Software desperately lacks – legitimacy.
All in all, Crypto Signals Software comes across as a standard scam operation – the likes of which we have seen a lot – and we advise those interested to stay away.