Bulgarian court shuts 40 illegal forex and binary options websites

Bulgarian court shuts 40 illegal forex and binary options websites

The Sofia Regional Court blocked the access to 40 websites, offering forex, CFD and binary options trade form Bulgaria, without proper authorization by the local Financial Service Commission or any other official regulatory body in EU.

The ruling follows a legal action initiated by the FSC in late October and was published on Friday. The website providers had 24 hours to shut the access to the pages, but our research shows that most are still accessible.

According FSC most websites are owned and operated by foreign companies, registered in offshore zones such as the Marsha Islands. On top of that some of the pages use details of legit businesses in an apparent attempt to defraud users that they are part of renowned financial institutions such as the Belgium KBC Group or HSBS. In the retail forex industry such scam pages are known as “clone websites”.

Here is a full list of the websites against which FSC and the Bulgarian court have taken action:

ivoryoption.com, prestige.fm, midasglobe.com, richmondfg.com, binarybook.com, option500.com, trade-24.com, fxglory.com, optionstarsglobal.com, esplanade-ms.com, trade12.com, traderxp.weebly.com, brokerzunion.com, plusoption.com, affiliates.imperialoptions.com, tiger-am.com, ibrokers.trade, ecoesfinance.com, hbcbrocker.com, wisebanc.com, pwrtrade.co, binaryonline.com, 72option.com, superbinary.com, roiteks.com, simplefx.com, my.capitalmarketbanc.com, kbcapitals.com, financikatrade.com, markets.online, jafx.com, btchomemining.com, marketsdl.com, dinerolibre.com, investingpro.com, littinvest.com, chronofm.com, binatex.com, bealgo.com, fxleader.com, ashfordinvestments.com, easytrade.biz, forexgrand.com, factory-ad.com, binaryuno.com.

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  1. Danke für die Informationen zu illegale Websites!
    Nun zu diesem Problem meine Fragen:
    1. Besteht die Möglichkeit getätigte Einzahlungen/Investitionen zurückzufordern?
    2. Kann man erzielte Gewinne Zurückfordern?
    3. Wie ist der Verfahrensweg für berechtigte Rückforderungen, an wen/welche Stelle muss man sich diesbezüglich wenden?

    Translated from German:

    Thanks for the information on illegal websites!
    Now for this problem my questions:
    1. Is it possible to reclaim deposits / investments made?
    2. Can you reclaim scored profits?
    3. What is the procedure for legitimate recoveries, to whom / which body do you have to turn in this regard?

  2. Hi . Can you give me any information of where Lbinary broker disappeared to in 2016 with all clients money .
    they committed fraud and stealing , and i will hunt them or the source till i find them. Thank you

  3. Just got a call from Wisebanc. Seems the shutting down diden’t work very well.

  4. S.O.S. FROM SPAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Does anyone have information about the current whereabouts of any member of this gang organized for the scam?
    ************* Westwoodofe.com ******************
    es propiedad de SolutionsCM LTD Dirección: 1373 Ciudad de Sofía, Distrito de Sofía, Municipio Metropolitano, Krasna Polyana 1, bl. 14, en. A, Fl 4 Ap 11
    Does anyone have information about the current whereabouts of any member of this gang organized for the scam?
    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ S.O.S. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. option500 is filthy broker. they will suck the money until one dies. Do any know how to recover the money scammed by them? please let me knoew

  6. https://theforexreview.com/2018/12/13/fma-warns-against-wisebanc-solid-global-investment-bitcoin-revolution-and-ideal-services-direct-contact/

  7. is there a way to recover funds invested, is there a class action suit going to be filed against btchomemining.com? Is there any legal recourse? please help!

  8. I have lost a large sums of money in littinvest.com. How could i Get my money back. Can someone please tell me how to get my money back? Is there any legal action I can take to get my money back? I have lost a substantial amount of money with this company

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