Annual Crypto Report Released by World Economic Forum

Annual Crypto Report Released by World Economic Forum

A report released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its associated Global Future Council – a crypto-focused entity- emphasized the importance of cryptocurrencies in today’s economy as well as for the future. Key metrics were given to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Tezos, and Litecoin, by the Swiss-based organization.

The report released on 17th December asserts that cryptocurrencies have the ability and potential to form new markets. Furthermore, there is a clear mark on the importance of blockchain technologies and the usage of digital assets that go beyond just cryptocurrencies. The Forum focuses on the importance of using blockchain technologies in the World Food Program (WFP), which saw that 106 000 Syrian Refugees receive food assistance with the help of blockchain technologies.

Sheila Warren, the Head of Blockchain, Data, and Digital Assets at the World Economic Forum, recently commented on the matter,

This Council will move us toward greater awareness and understanding of the benefits and risks, of cryptocurrencies, while helping to ensure that the benefits are ultimately made accessible to the entire global economy.”
The Global Future Council initiative was recently announced by WEF. The program would focus on evaluating the importance of cryptos, but also the difficulties that accompany digital coins. The report is strong on showcasing that the World Economic Forum has taken a very strong commitment towards discovering and exploring opportunities with cryptocurrencies.

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