An Israeli-US joint operation raided a Tel-Aviv-based investment company, arresting 26 Israelis for being suspected of participating in an online crypto-financial scheme. The operation was held on Tuesday night and was fronted by the FBI and Israeli Police. The raid started Tueasday night and continued all the way till the next morning.
The joint operation happened after authorities learned that the scammers were targeting mainly US-based investors. The operation was mainly led by US authorities. They easily tracked down the fraudster by orchestrating a classic sting operation.
The name of the company has not been revealed for now, nor have the names of any of the arrested been disclosed. Poice currently suspects that victims have been defrauded millions of shekels, and the number of scammed users number in the dozens.
The investment scam marketed different products to users, promising big returns, but never actually invested any of the received deposits.
Additionally, the raid led to the confiscation of computers and digital storage media.
Local news outlets have revealed that the perps have denied all charges, asserting that they were not aware of the nature of the business. The authorities are currently interrogating the arrested suspects, but there is no clearance as to whether the perps will be charged for counts of money laundering as well as fraud.