The FCA, in the period between April 1 to March 31 2022, has opened a total of 432 new regulatory cases against potential cryptocurrency based scams, as first revealed in the FCA’s fourth Consumer Investments Data Review. The British watchdog was able to open these based on consumer repoerts and market monitoring practices.
The regulator reveals that 79% of victims contacted the regulator only after they had deposited and felt they were scammed, which speaks to the efficiency of the scams themselves. Moreover, there was an increase in crypto scam enquires of about 59% during the aforementioned period.
Currently the FCA does not regulate the cryptocurrency market, but it does have its fair share of related responsibilities. For one, it falls on its shoulders to oversee the crypto firms’ Money Laundering Regulations.
As was the case with last year’s numbers, crypto based services were on the top of the list of most reported scams and potential swindles on ScamSmart’s platform. Coming in on at second place are pension funds scams, and on third position are stock and bond related frauds.
Nevertheless, the FCA has never been more active in the fight against investment shakedowns. In the reported period alone the FCA handled 2724 individual cases (all types of scams), which is 1000 more than last year’s period. Furthermore, 2350 0f these have been dealt with, resulting in an impressive closing rate of 78 percent.
Stauros Palierakis
I have also been a victim of icorpsecuritis scam and I don’t know how to untangle if there is any help from somewhere it would be a lifesaver
Εχω πέσει και εγώ θύμα απάτης της icorpsecuritis και δεν ξέρω πως θα ξεμπερδέψω αν υπάρχει κάποια βοήθεια απο κάπου θα ήταν σωτηρία