Best forex brokers accepting Bitcoin deposits

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Bitcoin is a virtual currency that shocked the world after it was introduced by the still-unknown Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 as an open-source code. It became part of the legitimate forex trading world in 2013 and is widely used as a payment method.

There are many advantages in using bitcoin as a payment system. First of, for traders in still developing countries wire transfers or credit cards often are not an option due to limited access or heavy regulatory control from the government. Precisely because of this Bitcoin was created – to ensure a space for financial transactions free from government scrutiny – and because of this it is now used by traders in different developing or underdeveloped countries. Iranian traders prefer Bitcoin as a safe and quick payment method which is not connected in any way with the Central Bank of Iran.

Furthermore, Bitcoin removes the cost of credit card fees and the risk of chargebacks. It also allows forex brokerages from Europe to target traders residing in countries well behind in economic and banking development, besides their local base.

Traders store bitcoins in a so-called “blockchain wallet” which is a sort of digital wallet that allows the storage and management of cryptocurrencies. There are currently over 22 million active blockchain wallets.

Some of the foremost forex brokerages provide bitcoin as a payment method for clients. An example is FXOpen which is regulated by both the FCA, ASIC and the FMA, as well provides the MetaTrader4 platform.

Brokers accepting bitcoin

BrokerCountryRatingMin. DepositWebsite
Gibraltar4/5$125Read the review
Cayman Islands3/5$200Read the review
SVG, Australia2.7/5$100Read the review
Mauritius2.6/5$5Read the review
South Africa2.5/5$50Read the review
Mauritius2.5/5$1000Read the review
Seychelles2/5$0Read the review
Vanuatu2/5$100Read the review
Vanuatu2/5$1Read the review
Vanuatu2/5N/ARead the review
SVG, Seychelles, Australia2/5$50Read the review
Seychelles2/5$100Read the review
SVG2/5$100Read the review
SVG1.9/5$100Read the review
Cayman Islands1.9/5$200Read the review
SVG1.9/5$10Read the review
St. Lucia1.9/5$10Read the review
SVG1.9/5$10Read the review
Vanuatu1.9/5$100Read the review
UAE1.5/5$100Read the review
SVG1.5/5$250Read the review
Bulgaria1.5/5$250Read the review
UK1.4/5$50 000Read the review
SVG1.4/5$50Read the review
SVG1.4/5$500Read the review
SVG1.3/5$1Read the review
Bulgaria1.3/5$250Read the review
SVG1.3/5$300Read the review
SVG1.3/5$250Read the review
N/A1.3/5$500Read the review
Estonia1.3/5$250Read the review
Seychelles1.3/5$200Read the review
Luxembourg1.3/5N/ARead the review
SVG1.3/5N/ARead the review
Kazakhstan1.3/5$100Read the review
Belize1.2/5$250Read the review
Switzerland1.2/5$250Read the review
UK1.2/5$300Read the review
Vanuatu1.2/5$250Read the review
Marshall Islands1.2/5$250Read the review
SVG1.2/5N/ARead the review
Marshall islands1.2/5$250Read the review
Bulgaria1.2/5$350Read the review
SVG1.2/5N/ARead the review
Vanuatu1.2/5$250Read the review
SVG1.2/5$10Read the review
SVG1.2/5$500Read the review
SVG1.2/5$500Read the review
Ireland1.2/5$250Read the review
Belize1.2/5$100Read the review
Marshall Islands1.2/5$250Read the review
Marshall Islands1.2/5N/ARead the review
Estonia1.2/5N/ARead the review
Seychelles1.2/5$250Read the review
Marshall Islands, Bulgaria1.2/5$2500Read the review
Bulgaria1.2/5N/ARead the review
Bulgaria1.2/5N/ARead the review
Marshall Islands1.2/5$250Read the review
Australia1.2/5$2000Read the review
Marshall Islands1.2/5$250Read the review
Marshall Islands1.2/5$5Read the review
Marshall Islands1.2/5$250Read the review
Seychelles1.2/5$250Read the review
Seychelles1.2/5$10Read the review
SVG1.2/5N/ARead the review
Seychelles, UK1.2/5$250Read the review
Vanuatu1.1/5$1000Read the review
SVG1.1/5N/ARead the review
Bulgaria1.1/5$250Read the review
SVG1.1/5$250Read the review
SVG1.1/50.01 BTCRead the review
UK1.1/5N/ARead the review
Vanuatu1.1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1.1/5$10Read the review
SVG1.1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/5$3000Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$50Read the review
N/A1/5$10 000Read the review
UK, Estonia1/5-Read the review
SVG1/5$200Read the review
UK1/5$2000Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
USA1/5$100Read the review
USA1/5$250Read the review
New Zealand1/5$500Read the review
SVG1/5$1000Read the review
SVG1/5100Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$1000Read the review
SVG1/5$5Read the review
USA1/5$500Read the review
UK1/5$500Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
US1/5N/ARead the review
Seychelles1/5$300Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$400Read the review
Marshall islands1.0/5$300Read the review
Marshal Islands1/5$300Read the review
Marshall Islands1.0/5$300Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
N/A1.0/5$250Read the review
N/A1.0/5$100Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$250Read the review
UK1/5$500Read the review
SVG1.0/5$50Read the review
Estonia1/5$250Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$1Read the review
Dominica1/5$10Read the review
Vanuatu1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5$10Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$100Read the review
UK1/5$50Read the review
Cyprus1/5$500Read the review
Germany1/5$250Read the review
UK1/5$250Read the review
Dominica1/5$250Read the review
USA1/5$10Read the review
SVG1/5n/aRead the review
USA/ Belize1/5$1000Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$500Read the review
Luxembourg1/5$250Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$500Read the review
USA1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5$200Read the review
UK1/5$10Read the review
N/A1/5$1Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
Estonia1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5$7Read the review
Estonia1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5$300Read the review
N/A1/5$10Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
St. Vincent and the Grenadines1/5$1Read the review
N/A1/5$25Read the review
The Marshall Islands1/5$50Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
Commonwealth of Dominica1/5$250Read the review
Singapore1/5N/ARead the review
N/A1/5$10Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5250 EURRead the review
Marshall Islands1/5$25Read the review
USA/ Vanuatu/ Seychelles1/5$250Read the review
Mauritius1/5$500Read the review
Democratic Republic of Congo/ UK1/5$10Read the review
Seychelles1/5250 EURRead the review
USA1/5$300Read the review
USA1/5$300Read the review
N/A1/5$1Read the review
N/A1/5$1Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
Seychelles1/550Read the review
Dominica1/5$500Read the review
n/a1/5$1000Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$250Read the review
Cyprus1/5500 EURRead the review
UK/ Denmark/ SVG1/5$250Read the review
n/a1/5$250Read the review
USA/ Cyprus/ Belize1/5n/aRead the review
UK1/5$200Read the review
USA1/5$500Read the review
USA1/5$200Read the review
SVG1/5n/aRead the review
SVG/ UK1/5$200Read the review
USA1/5$100Read the review
Samoa1/5$10Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5N/ARead the review
Seychelles1/5$250Read the review
BVI1/5$300Read the review
Mauritius1/5$150Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
NA1/52000Read the review
Vanuatu1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5$50Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5300Read the review
SVG1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/50.20 BTCRead the review
N/A1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/5$300Read the review
N/A1/5250Read the review
UK1/5$500Read the review
Australia1/5-Read the review
Commenwealth of Dominica1/5$250Read the review
UK1/5$500Read the review
SVG1/510Read the review
Mauritius1/5250Read the review
Dominica1/5500Read the review
N/A1/5100Read the review
SVG1/5200Read the review
SVG1/50.001Read the review
N/A1/5200Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
N/A1/5$100Read the review
Estonia1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5300Read the review
N/A1/55Read the review
SVG1/5500Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
N/A1/550Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/550Read the review
N/A1/5250Read the review
N/A1/5250Read the review
Dominica1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5250Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5$400Read the review
UK1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/55000Read the review
UK1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
Cyprus1/5$100Read the review
Switzerland1/5$5,000Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5$2500Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
N/A1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5250Read the review
UK1/5$500Read the review
Switzerland1/5100 EURRead the review
N/A1/5$5000Read the review
SVG1/5$100Read the review
SVG1/5$300Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5$500Read the review
SVG1/5$10Read the review
N/A1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/5$60Read the review
North Macedonia1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5$2500Read the review
Marshall Islands1/5$1000Read the review
Seychelles1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5$5000Read the review
Canada1/5$700Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
Seychelles1/5$10Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5$300Read the review
Czech Republic1/50.5 BTCRead the review
Czech Republic1/50.5BTCRead the review
N/A1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5250 EURRead the review
Dominican Republic1/5$5000Read the review
N/A1/5$100Read the review
Dominican Republic1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
Luxembourg1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5N/ARead the review
US1/5$500Read the review
SVG1/5$200Read the review
Seychelles1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
Belize1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5$50Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
Dominican Republic1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5$250Read the review
SVG1/5$10Read the review
N/A1/5$100Read the review
SVG1/5$100Read the review
SVG1/5$50Read the review
Panama1/5$300Read the review
SVG1/5$50Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
St. Kitts and Nevis1/5$100Read the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
UK1/5$250Read the review
UK1/5N/ARead the review
UK1/5500EURRead the review
N/A1/5$10Read the review
N/A1/5$100Read the review
SVG1/5$100Read the review
UK1/5$500Read the review
N/A1/5$1000Read the review
N/A1/5$1Read the review
N/A1/5$25Read the review
SVG1/5$0Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
N/A1/5$250Read the review
N/A1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5$50Read the review
SVG1/5N/ARead the review
SVG1/5N/ARead the review
Lithuania1/51 BTCRead the review
SVG1/5$400Read the review