

CONSOB, the Italian FX watchdog just added six new fraudulent websites to its red list, pushing it to a total of 774 blacklisted entities since July 2019. All ...

Italy’s CONSOB just last week ordered five more fraudulent FX websites to be blocked. Here are the blocked sites and the companies behind them: (Olympusbrokers Limited); (Uncanny ...

Italy’s CONSOB just added 5 new websites to its list of banned internet services proviuders. The overseer has deemed these unauthorized as they promote their illicit trading products ...

CONSOB, the Italian financial regulator that also takes care of supervising all local FX brokers recently added 6 new domains to its list of illicit websites. The watchdog ...

CONSOB, the Italian FX regulator is currently blacklisting 452 illegally operating FX websites. The watchdog added 6 new domains to its list this Thursday, putting the total number ...

The Italian FX regulator is well known amongst the forex industry players as the one with the power to demand local internet providers to shut down illicit financial ...

Experiments with a digital euro in Italy have already begun, initiated by the Italian Banking Association (ABI), an organization made up of 700 local Italian banking institutions. The ...

Forex News
The unregulated Forex brokerage GoldFXtrading most likely registered offshore  has been added to the warning list of the Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa ...

Forex News
The Marshall Islands-based companes Silver Wolf Limited and Joshua Limited acting through the websites and been added to the warning list of the Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale ...

Forex News
Numerous broker brands of the same company, including;; www.centrobancit have been added to the warning list of the Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la ...

Forex News
The unregulated Forex brokerage Brokerz LTD registered offshore in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has been added to the warning list of the Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale per ...

Forex News
The unregulated Forex brokerage FSMSmart supposedly based in Switzerland has been added to the warning list of the Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (CONSOB). ...

Forex News
The unregulated Forex brokerage Goldmancfd supposedly based in Bulgaria has been added to the warning list of the Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (CONSOB). ...

Forex News Scam Warnings
Numerous broker brands of the same company, including SmartProFX, ProCapitalFX and CryptoClubFX have been added to the warning list of the Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale per le Societa ...

Forex News
Unregulated Forex brokerage FXNobel, after being blacklisted by the Malta Financial Services Authority, receives similar treatment from the Italian financial regulator Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la ...

Forex News Scam Warnings
Unregulated CFD brokerages TorOption and FXBreeze are the latest additions to the long warning list of Italian financial watchdog Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (CONSOB). On the ...